Total Bodyweight Transformation

How to Train Your Legs With Bodyweight Exercises

Training the legs is something of a hot topic among bodybuilders and athletes. Gym goers who ‘skip leg day’ are often referred to unfavourably and for good reason; training the legs has knock-on benefits throughout the entire body whereas leaving them out tends to make you look odd.

The question then is why so many people leave legs out of their routine in the first place. And the answer is a) legs are boring and b) legs are hard to train.

The simple fact of the matter is that your legs don’t have hands attached to them. This means it’s harder to pick up a weight. Thus you have to load yourself up some other way and involve the whole body.

And it also makes it much harder to train your legs with bodyweight alone. But there are ways. Read on to discover some of the best of them…

Jumping Squats

One of the simplest ways to train your legs with your bodyweight alone is to use jumping squats. This simply means that you’re squatting down and then jumping at the apex. This is a simple exercise and you wouldn’t think that it would make a huge difference. It is great for building up power and can quickly create a burn thanks to the amount of acceleration involved.

Box Jumps

Speaking of which, box jumps require even more power to launch you high enough into the air – especially if you stack them high. This is in some ways just as challenging as a squat and a great way to build hamstrings, quads, calves and hips.

Jumping Lunges

This is simply a lunge where you jump, switch legs in mid-air and then land with your legs in the opposite position. Doing this is a great way to build strength in the hamstrings and again involves jumping to create more acceleration.

Lunge Walking

Simply walking by stepping from one lunge into the next. This is a surprisingly effective workout because you’re plunging so deep in between and spending the majority of your time under tension.

Single Leg Squat

Another way to make the squat more challenging with just body weight is of course to do it on just one leg. This then requires twice the strength and also forces you to balance a lot as well. A more advanced version is the ‘pistol squat’ which requires your foot to be flat on the ground while the other one is pointed straight out in front of you, toes facing up.

Side Squat

This is between a squat and a lunge and involves stepping out to one side, lunging deep and then stepping back to the middle before repeating on the other side.

Master Z

Exceptionally skilled Kung Fu Master in Chinese Kung Fu Wu Su - Northern and Southern Style Kung Fu. With 30+ years of training and practice in internal and external hard styles of Chinese Kung Fu as well as specialized discipline techniques such as Iron Body, Golden Forearm, Copper Elbow, Cotton Fist, "Steel Wrap in Cotton", "Needle Hide in Cotton Pillow" and Steel Leg.

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